Microprocessor & Controls

For customers that demand more from their chiller / cooling system controller.


Why use a microprocessor?

Microprocessors are used to provide additional function, outputs and control of cooling equipment than standard controllers provide.


Amchill’s Magnum Microprocessor is a rugged controller designed specifically for the challenges and hostile environments of the HVAC industry. It provides set points and functionality that is customizable and can communicate with building automation systems or to the factory with proper interface options and / or internet connections.

How it works

Each microprocessor is programmed at the factory based on the chiller features and customer’s application and requirements. The program is user friendly with English questions and drop down menus. It is written in the Microsoft Visual Basic programming language.

Contact US For Price Lists, Technical Data and a Quotation.

Standard Features

  • Smaller footprint than standard controls
  • Flexible – software can be programmed to owners specifications
  • Communication interface allows remote monitoring for factory troubleshooting
  • Building Automation Interface allows for local monitoring
  • Log of system performance allows for faster trouble shooting and maintenance
  • Alternates (lead / lag) compressors and pumps for dual or redundant chillers
  • Allows for control of multiple cooling processes
  • Generally costs less than standard controls for challenging cooling applications
  • Provides multiple status indicators with log





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